Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Now I'm going to have to get a new camera!

Wireless 2GB SD card... set it up on your machine, pop it into your camera, now all the pictures you take get uploaded direct from your camera to your computer or your chosen photo sharing website over your home wireless network... no wires, no logins, no fuss... crazy!

Eye-Fi » Home
via - Daring Fireball

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Getting a big cat to purr...

So, I've taken the pill, and I'm trying to drink the koolaid to go along with it... i upgraded my primary workstation to Leopard. I've come across a couple things that are hampering my day to day work - i.e. Daylite isn't happy unless you want to go for a beta upgrade - which involved updating the server first to a beta system which then means I'm inflicting all of my fellow colleagues with a beta. Needless to say, that hasn't happened - using VPN to the office and ARD to control a server there gives me all the Daylite access I need. It is making me look real hard at the built-in calendaring in leopard server though - just a bit sooner than I'd expected to look at it, but knew it was coming none the less!

I've also had a bit of a headache mail day. Originally I thought people just didn't want to talk to me, but it turns out there's something a bit odd about when you upgrade an existing IMAP mail library. I had a lot of my mail sorted after delivery by mail rules, what I was seeing is that any mail that got sorted by a mail rule wasn't showing as a new message in the folder it got sorted into. It wasn't until I clicked on a mailbox that had had move with the rules did I discover there was actually new mail in there! It looks like the solution is to rename ~/Library/Mail and let everything get downloaded from the IMAP server again... this little exercise of course killed all my rules, and signatures... so I have no real way of ensuring this really was the fix, but I'm going to try something out and see if ti drives me nuts - I'm going to actually use smart folders for my mail. I've always had a "Today" smart folder, which is great - essentially I have a mailbox that is anything I've received today, and isn't junk - a really nice way of just looking in one place for all new stuff. So now, instead of rules, here come more smart mailboxes. I'm wondering exactly what I'm going to do about the ginormous inbox I'm about to acquire... now what does that new "Archive mailbox..." function do...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Note to Bill - your login be broken!

So there I was about to give Bill a hard time about his whole "Italian themed" movie selection... you know, "You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" kind of Italian quote... when I wound up in the infinite loop of "you must login", so fine I login, and then promptly get told to login to post a comment... Anyhow, I give up, I'm commenting here instead - and it's nowhere near as funny... thanks for ruining it for me Bill!

A Mac Guys Perspective » Back in a bit.

Back in TO

It's been a busy time, but I'm back in TO again. We've got friends coming up from Illinois to spend the weekend, and then back to Ottawa again... is there no peace for the wicked!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Of all the things I've seen on the road...

Well, I'm impressed with the tie-downs at least... Although the transport truck to tow it may be slight overkill!


Friday, October 5, 2007

Officially a consultant now

I'm now an official signed up Apple Consultant Network (ACN) member now. Lets see how that goes!

Pitfalls of Exchange...

One of the more amusing blog posts to come out of M$....

Loading “You Had Me At EHLO... : Me Too!”

Thursday, October 4, 2007 The Pmarca Guide to Career Planning, part 1: Opportunity The Pmarca Guide to Career Planning, part 1: Opportunity

I've been reading a lot of pmarca recently, but this, the first in a set of career planing is quite an interesting read - I'm reading through the rest, and looking forward to more...

Toast Masters...

So, sure I can *talk* about technology, but can I talk about it in a way that other people actually want to listen to? In fact, can I talk about anything and actually sound engaging? I'm thinking about attending a few Toast Masters meetings and see what I think. I think just the practice of speaking, becoming more relaxed in front of a group of people, and simply being able to think on your feet is really what it's all about - having an environment to practice this in seems like a good idea - there is only so many times the cats and dog will listen to a public presentation after all!

And so it begins...

I've had a few people give me shocked and astonished looks when I admitted that indeed, I did not have my own blog... and as I've had a few things recently that could very well have been blogged, well, here we go then - one blog.