Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And we're off!

So, I've said goodbye to the regular pay cheques and started my own business as of today...  So, check out Magpies Consulting and tell all your friends and foe! (I'll work for just about anyone as long as they pay the bills...)

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What a spectacularly eventful day!

Day started pretty normal, and by that I mean the dogs were asleep on the bed and some ferociously perky morning radio host was wittering away.  Then it was off to the bank - I'd been in there last Saturday and had set up an appointment for this morning to set up the new business bank account (oh, wait, here's a side note, I've started my own business - more on that in some other post!), so 9:30, bank opens it's door and I announce my presence to the receptionist who looks at me blankly and says "Who were you looking to see, I don't see any appointment here for you?" - Ah, great...  so a bit of back and forth and they finally find someone who can help me, but not until 10:30.  It was the perfect excuse to go in search of an iced latte - it's a bit warm for September! Bank account was all set up, no major hiccups, great, one check-mark for the list.  Back home working, and I hear the door open and some guy yelling up "Hello!" - I shout back "Hello!" - thinking it's the guy we've got in redoing our floors trying to get our attention, male voice shouts "Hello!" once more, and I yell back "Hang on, I'm coming down!", and then I hear a conversation starting - indeed one of the voices is my floor guy, but the other isn't... huh?  Long story short, some older guy had just walked into my house, and was proceeding to take pictures because apparently in the 1940s he had grown up in my house - I guess this gives him some right to come barging in at any point in the future - must remember this trick for when I'm old and senile I guess!  Finally managed to usher elderly intruder out of the house (why do old people like to talk so much to people they don't even know!?), and then it was off to see the accountant (like I can manage books efficiently for my own business - I did mention I was opening my own, right? No? Ok, some other post...  soon...  promise!) Have a nice long conversation with my accountant (yeah, the cool part here is my accountant is the brother of Eugene Levy...) and head back to where I'd parked my car - nice day in the city, lots of people and cyclists about, see a guy coming down the road on his bike, keep walking, hear a crashing sound, look over and see the same guy now performing aerial  acrobatics over the top of a car door before making a thudding noise onto the ground in front of the car.  Ok, so other people come running, someone who seems like he knows first aid (and whose skills must be more recent than mine - uh, my last life guard certification was in the UK!) so I get the 911 caller privilege - uh, wait, what street am I on?  Quickly look like a bit of a dumbass, ask someone close by the name of the street and talk with the EMS about what's going on...  then proceed to direct traffic around the fallen cyclist.  Ten minutes pass...  2 ambulances have passed by on the major road...  still nothing for our cyclist...  call back to 911, uh, guys, are you lost?  Oh, no, just turns out the ambulance was coming from the other side of town!  Obviously...  in the meantime a police car shows up to take particulars from the car door opener - but leaves me directing traffic - suppose I'm good for something - I'm so going to ask for the fancy gloves and bright orange vest next time!  So, now I'm home again, unable to walk on any floor in the main level of my house due to the recent staining, and it's time to get out of the house now due to the fumes from the recent staining!  Can't say my day's been boring...  nope, not one little bit!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I fit, You fit, Wii fit!

So, we've had the Wii Fit in the house for just over a couple weeks now...  granted 4 days of that I was down in Chicago for work.  However, I've got to say, it appears to be doing it's job.  Not only does it lock you in by opening up new parts of the game after you've accumulated enough credits, but because it's so interactive it's actually *gasp* fun!  So, after 2 weeks I'm 6 pounds down....  course I still have the inflated Mii that it created for me the first time it weighed me, but with any luck my Mii will start to shrink soon!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wow, it's going to be crowded...

Apple's WWDC is sold out....
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

If you're wondering what to do as a career

I'm going to suggest you look into being a Mac Server Administrator.  Looking around at what's out there in the market and where the jobs are currently coming up, it's starting to look like an abundance of Mac-centric positions and nowhere near enough skilled people to fill these positions.  Now, to be clear, I'm not talking about needing people to troubleshoot iPhoto and be able to diagnose a dead battery in an LCII - I mean hardcore full on server administrators.  People who understand corporate and enterprise IT best practices, who comprehend server infrastructure, doesn't shy away from terms like DNS, LDAP, IMAP, SMTP, AD, HTTP, SSL, AFP, SMB, FTP etc etc etc...  If you're just starting out, go take a look into training, and find yourself a copy of OS X Server - really the only way to learn this stuff is to use it.  Get yourself a home server, try running your own directory system, run your own mail server, host your own website... once you've rebuilt it a few times (after you broke it) and you're on your way to ACTC you're ready to put your foot into the pond of jobs that are coming up.  You may only start out as front-line support - dealing mostly with end-users, but it'll get you in front of the guys & gals that are doing the heavy lifting and if you show your worth on the front line you'll get called up to help out with the server stuff when you're ready.  So yes, you need to be technically minded, but if you're determined enough to learn, people can learn all sorts of things.  Look at me - I'm a heavy-lifting server gal, and where was my education?  Oh yeah - I'm the one with a degree in Music...
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, May 12, 2008

Reserving this for an "I told you so..."

Right, I love analysts....  especially analysts that don't actually know the technology they're analyzing...  see this article

Now, where they're getting their numbers for what the contract is going to cost, well, that's anyone's guess...  but I'm going to disagree about corporate canada not picking up the iPhone.  It won't be an immediate influx, but if what's going on in the US is anything to go by, the higher execs go and buy a shiny new toy and force IT into making it work for them because it's what they WANT to use!  Not to mention all those corporations that haven't invested in a Blackberry Enterprise Server...  having fought with many a blackberry in my day I know a thing or two about it's "security" and I've got to say plain passwords with no encryption doesn't really pass for security in my book...

Anyhow, reserve this space for an "I told you so" in about 6-8 months after the iPhone hits the streets in Canada.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Well, glad we cleared that up then...

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


After getting a Wii a couple month ago and dealing with a serious Wii Tennis and Guitar Hero addiction I can see my next addiction coming a mile away...  least this one's going to make me look good while being addicted!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

'Aboot' bloody time...

Ted Rogers confirms the iPhone is coming to Canada before the end of 2008.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, April 25, 2008

Yes, I suck...

It's been a long time...  like, February.  I've got all the usual excuses - been busy, stuff going on, real life got in the way...  whatever...  Things are up, stuff is going on, the times - they are a'changin'....  more later...
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Queen West...

See for more images

Queen west is one of my favourite parts of town - I used to live around the corner, and have friends that own businesses in this part of town.  more importantly though, I know two households that were affected by yesterday's fire.  I'd encourage anyone reading to think about any stuff they have lying around that would help out those who now have nothing.  I have yet to find anyone making an organized central donation area, but friends of those affected are arranging individual fundraisers - here's a couple links from Facebook -  &

UPDATE: There is now a centralized support fund at Scotiabank branches more info here -

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Magical Value-less Copper!

One of those things that if it weren't Hydro One I probably wouldn't believe it... 

As seen at

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

If you didn't make the trip to SF in January...

Sure you watched the Steve-note, but how about all the other sessions that go on during Macworld?  Usually you have to drop down over $1000 to attend the conference sessions, but this year, thanks to IDG and SOMA all the Macworld sessions (i.e the Users conference, and the IT conference) are available for free to view online here -

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

1998 Called - They want their website back...

I'm a fairly frequent visitor of this restaurant (moreso when we actually lived in the area) but they do a decent bit of texmex at a decent price - but OMG, what is that website all about....

Blogged with Flock

Friday, February 1, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

SSL you taunt me so....

So, with the bright idea of, "Isn't it easier just to get a wildcard certificate?" in hand, time to fight the server...  once you get your head around what's actually required and work your way around a kindly added Apple "gotcha" wildcard SSL is actually possible.

So, wildcard SSLs are available from several people, but the one I was working with came from

When you get your certificate, you'll get a .crt and a intermediate key from the issuing CA.  This is great for the machine that you started the request from (i.e., you went to Server Admin, filled in the details, and clicked the "Request certificate from a CA" and you had a handy csr to send them.  You drop the test from your crt into the already self-signed certificate in server admin and you're away to the races.)

The fun begins when you want to use your wildcard certificate on other machines.  First, make sure that the intermediary certificate (this may be called something like yourCA_intermediate_bundle.crt) is in the System keychain and the X.509 Anchors.

Now you don't have to make another request, but how to get that info in there.  The key (pardon the pun) lives in /etc/certificates on the machine that your SSL cert is already up and running on.  Copy over the * files to your next server and put them into /etc/certificates.  In Server Admin, chose import rather than a new certificate and you're going to use the * in the certificate field, and the * in the key field.  If you used a passphrase when you first generated your private key you'll have to enter it in the passphrase field.  Leave the 3rd field blank, click import, and Bob should be your uncle.

Ah, now, you've restarted your web services after implementing your new certificate and Server Admin is now telling you that web cannot start...  If this isn't your first certificate on this machine you may be running into a...  uh, feature!  There's a gotcha in the way that OS X Server is reading the keys of your certificates and it's causing an issue if you have two private keys both with pass phrases.  The key (pardon the pub again!) here is to strip that passphrase out of your private key:

server:/etc/certificates root# cp \* \*
server:/etc/certificates root# openssl rsa -in \* -out \*
Enter pass phrase for *
writing RSA key

So with this, you'll be deleting the newly added cert from Server Admin, stripping the passphrase, re-importing the cert with it's newly naked passphrase, and then you can go back in and apply this certificate to your web services and be able to restart web services without it complaining at you.

And that my friends, is what comes out of a day of banging your head against a very solid brick wall with determination to break it down....

Blogged with Flock

Monday, January 21, 2008

Distractions be gone!

Perhaps a bit over the top, and really only good for the firefox breed of browsers, but still amused me at it's simplicity and ingenuity - No Links Please! is implemented as a Greasemonkey script - course, if you've already installed it you can't see that I just linked to it...  ;-)

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I've been listening to this recently, and have been quite enlightened with the points he covers off - I'd advise it to anyone...

Blogged with Flock