Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sometimes I'm dumb...

The exact quote would be "You can blog directly from Flock!?!"

As it turns out, yes, indeed you can... I've been looking for a nice simple piece of blogging software..  I started out the whole blogging thing when I'd been playing with Journler which I'd had introduced to me at this past year's WWDC, but it didn't post to blogger, so that was problem #1.  Next I tried out MarsEdit which I do really like, but as I'm such a infrequent blogger it seemed a bit overkill, that and I'm superbly cheap, so after my free 30 days, I went looking for something lean mean and well, free...  I came across Ecto which while not free, is *cheaper*, but still a bit overkill for me, I mean honestly, I only blog maybe 2-3 times a month?  So that's where Flock comes along, bonus #1 is it's free, #2, it's already on my system as my alternative browser, and #3, uh, well, I'm writing this in it, which means it works and it's simple.  So, 3 cheers for Flock!

Blogged with Flock

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